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Game Jam ∞ - February 2020 | Facebook Event | Discord

Game Jam 8 (or ∞ depending on your artistic taste) was our first ever online game jam. Like everything else in the year of 2020 our hopes and dreams of our usual in-person game jam were ruined by the coronavirus epidemic. However, that did not stop us from having the most successful game jam we’ve ever had!

In the lead up to this game jam we had a series of workshops focusing on all aspects of game development which are available to rewatch on our youtube channel!

Events Info

Even though people were all cooped up in their homes and not at the venue we had many people collaborate and team up to make a record breaking 13 games.

The theme for this game jam was randomly picked from a selection live and ended up being Far Away. Some cool ideas thought up of and made into games were:

As always, we had our challenges which were part of the game rating process this year. In particular people really incorporated the spooky challenge into their games (the halloween urge was too strong to resist!). To see what other challenges were included check out the intro slides.

Finally, we shook things up further by having people rate the games instead of having judges. This was super successful with 279 ratings total and every game being highlighted for aspects it was strong in such as music, art, gameplay, challenges, and theme. Check out all the detailed ratings and results at the game jam page.



Runner ups

Into The Unknown - Best Art

House of a Thousand Hallways

Glitter wars

Snake Escape

Protect The VIP - Best Gameplay

Mullet Monkey & the Glittery Banana

Far From God 2

Social Distancer - Best Theme

Star-Dogged Moon


Pong Distance

Janky Doom